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  • Jordan Morehouse

The Identity Reconstruction Project

Updated: May 5, 2019

What exactly is the Identity Reconstruction Project? That's a great question.

The Identity Reconstruction Project, or IRP, is a project focused on helping those who feel unsatisfied in their life. Be it because of a personal feud, bad relationships, a past crime haunting them, the complete abandonment of their best friend in a location they can't escape from, or any other personal issue, the IRP helps you escape from that bitter past and instead offers you a new future, centered entirely around a new identity. A new identity means a new life, new friends, and a new everything.

How do we do it? Well, that's a company secret! We can guarantee that it's relatively painless for all involved, and that it has a near 100% success rate. If you want more details, please contact us personally.

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