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  • Jordan Morehouse

Update 5 - From the journal of Zachariah Davis

EXPERIMENT LOG 003: March 7th, 1873

There have been some very interesting developments.

I have brought Patient 0’s memories up to the Arctic, like I said I would, although I am unaware of where exactly they are anymore; however, when I arrived home, I saw that Patient 0 was starting to be consumed by his radiancy. The light from his eyes has spread, covering his face in a way that I can only describe as tendrils of white slowly consuming it. It’s a fascinating sight to behold.

Mary has become shaken to her core, but has stayed true to the task as I asked her to. She is unsure if this is something we should continue doing, but I assured her that the experiment was well worth it. Besides, nobody is going to miss Paul.

It is worth pointing out that he has not eaten for several weeks, according to Mary, although he seems to not be withering in the slightest - he’s as big as before. A very interesting development indeed.

Since the radiancy has been spreading, I shall update once a significant amount of him has been overtaken by the light. I will also look into finding someone to interact with Patient 0, in order to determine if he’s still aware or not. He has yet to respond to any of my questions.

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