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  • Jordan Morehouse

Update 2: Transcript from Connor Sulton

Transcript of recording from Connor Sulton

[Begin Transcript]

Recently, I’ve come to realize what Hope Dagny was truly doing with the Radiant Society. We were lead to believe that it was to stop the monster - to stop what had terrorized so many people. I have no doubt that this is what was originally intended for the organization when it was first founded, and I can even believe that Hope still believes that’s what she’s doing. But it’s not.

There’s a disturbing pattern among her actions. For one, she keeps siphoning people away from the northern chapter to work on containment. Considering that the northern chapter is the one actually looking for the monster’s memories, you’d think that she’d want to put a lot more people on that. Giving the memories back to the monster to neutralize it should be the end goal. But she’s taking people away from that.

Not only that, but she’s been assuming a lot more control recently on all fronts. Although she already had a bit of a control problem, she’s been doing a lot worse with it than normal. Taking responsibilities away from Jackson and Candace and giving them to herself when she already has so many seems worrisome to me. Why not just let the overseers of those chapters actually look after their own issues? She already maintains direct control over the southern chapter, but now she apparently needs to make sure the northern and western chapters are “running smoothly”.

Most damning of all, she’s started to cut me off. I don’t think it’s intentional - she still consults me in various issues and makes sure I do my job well. However, as the head recordkeeper, I need complete transparency for what her plans are, and for these I’ve only been hearing about them after the decisions are made.

I can only draw one conclusion from this: she isn’t trying to stop the monster anymore. She’s doing this as a personal kick. I don’t know in what way, fully - it could be wanting to maximize control over the monster and how it’s handled for revenge, or it could be that she’s just power hungry. Regardless, the Radiant Society looks like it’s turning into a playground for her to mess with rather than a legitimate operation to end that creature.

And I can’t handle that. I’ve justified all the terrible things I’ve witnessed with the thought that it’d be stopping this monster. No matter what it cost, this monster would hurt others more, so it needed to be stopped by any means necessary.

But it’s not going to be stopped. It’s being held captive and fed by Hope under some kind of power fantasy. Every terrible thing I’ve done and witnessed has been for naught.

I need to stop this.

There’s a person who’s been curious about what’s been happening with Jordan: Taylor Morehouse. I don’t think they know much about it - they’re just a paranormal investigative journalist, looking for something spooky to report - but it’s the only person who might believe me if I tell them what’s happening.

If she and her organization are exposed, then I can put an end to this. I don’t care if the monster gets out. It can't hurt any more people than she is. Hope needs to be stopped.

[End Transcript]

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